丁德锐(上海理工大学)——Secure Platooning Control of Automated Vehicles


Secure Platooning Control of Automated Vehicles

报告人:丁德锐 上海理工大学


丁德锐,上海理工大学教授、博士生导师,国家级青年高层次人才,主要研究方向为分布式滤波、控制与优化,网联自主智能控制等。出版英文学术专著 1部,发表/接受发表SCI学术论文120余篇,其中自动控制领域顶级期刊TAC和Automatica论文13篇,其他IEEE汇刊论文40余篇;荣获北京市科学技术奖自然科学二等奖1项,2021年度IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica期刊Nobert Wiener 综述论文奖, IEEE SMC学会2020年度和2022年度Andrew P. Sage最佳汇刊论文奖;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 1项,合作承担国家自然科学基金重点项目1项,主持完成国防科研项目2项、国家自然科学基金项目3项。

丁德锐教授是中国自动化学会(CAA)和美国电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)高级会员;担了任国际SCI 期刊IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,Neurocomputing 和 IET Control Theory and Applications 的副编辑。

报告摘要:Secure platooning control plays an important role in enhancing the cooperative driving safety of automated vehicles subject to various security vulnerabilities. This talk focuses on the distributed secure control issue of automated vehicles under replay attacks or privacy-preserving. A proportional integral observer (PIO) with predetermined forgetting parameters is first constructed to acquire the dynamical information of vehicles. Considering replay attacks, a time-varying parameter and two positive scalars are employed to describe the temporal behavior of replay attacks. In light of such a scheme and the common properties of Laplace matrices, the closed-loop system with PIO-based controllers is transformed into a switched and time-delayed one. For privacy-preserving, sampled-data-based dynamic encryption and decryption schemes, featuring a dynamic private key, are developed such that the encrypted vehicle-to-vehicle data can be kept private to each platoon vehicle. Furthermore, some sufficient conditions are derived to achieve the desired platooning performance by the view of the Lyapunov stability theory. The controller gains are analytically determined by resorting to the solution of certain matrix inequalities only dependent on maximum and minimum eigenvalues of communication topologies. Finally, simulation examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.